Globacom | Bizcommunity

Results for Globacom


CNN's African Voices rebrands with new host
Marketing & Media
CNN's African Voices rebrands with new host

13 Aug 2019

MTN - Grand Prix Award as Africa's Best Brand
Marketing & Media
Brand Africa 100 reveals Africa's top brands

26 Oct 2015

Bitflux secures 2.3GHz spectrum license
Marketing & Media
Bitflux secures 2.3GHz spectrum license

12 Mar 2014

Glo Ghana loses subscribers
Marketing & Media
Glo Ghana loses subscribers

Masahudu Kunateh 5 Nov 2012

Marketing & Media
Telecoms mast stations destroyed

Henry Ifeanyi 6 Sep 2012

HKLM's growth in West Africa
Marketing & Media
HKLM's growth in West Africa

31 Jul 2012

Marketing & Media
Globacom sponsors Ghana football

9 Feb 2009

Marketing & Media
Nigeria shines in global ICT scene

Remmy Nweke 23 May 2008

Marketing & Media
Glo-ing new expansion contract

16 May 2008

Marketing & Media
Africom telecoms expo kicks off

21 Nov 2007

Marketing & Media
Globacom introduces new numbers

Remmy Nweke 18 Oct 2007

Marketing & Media
MTN re-brands Areeba in Ghana

Emily Nyarko 23 Aug 2007

Marketing & Media
Get connected via mobile broadband

26 Apr 2007

Marketing & Media
HKLM expands footprint in Nigeria

12 Dec 2003

Marketing & Media
J Walter Thomson awarded Stanlib account

9 Oct 2002

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